Course covers the following topics:
- Structure and socio-economic functions of the EU (incl. European Commission and its role in regulating the EU Internal Market)
- EU principles (subsidiarity, proportionality and non-discrimination on the grounds of nationality)
- Types of EU legislation (EU Regulations, Directives, Decisions)
- EU law principles national laws of EU Member States (direct effect and the primacy/supremacy of EU law)
- Applicability of EU law by companies related to their national origin, ownership structure, type and place of operation
- Free movement of GOODS, PEOPLE (workers and freedom of establishment), SERVICES and CAPITAL
- Role of the prohibition of STATE AID distorting competition in the Internal Market, taking note of COVID-19 related developments
- Special treatment of Services of general economic interest (such as education and health)
- Purpose, scope and applicability of EU Competition Law (ECL), noting its treatment of COVID-19-related crisis
- Key concepts of ECL incl. relevant market
- Identification of market practices covered by ECL: abuse of dominance, anticompetitive multilateral practices and M&A with EU dimension
- Negotiated vs. repressive enforcement of ECL
- Article 101 TFEU – conditional prohibition of anticompetitive multilateral practices; eg cases: Consumer Detergent (EU) cartel, LCD (Asian) cartel; BA/AA/Iberia; eBooks incl. role of Apple
- Article 102 TFEU – unconditional prohibition of abuse; eg cases: Microsoft, Google, Samsung
- EUMR – supervision over mergers with EU dimension; eg Carrefor/Ahold; Universal/EMI Rec.; Microsoft/Linkedin
Next course: November 2020 - University of Warsaw, Faculty of Management ERASMUS/IBP programme (open to all University of Warsaw students including all exchange students)